Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just Chopped

I get a haircut about once a year at Just Cuts and have always been satisfied with the results.

I cannot say the same for yesterday. I regret not being more specific about what I wanted but I gave a similar description last time and couldn't help almost skipping out of the salon and flicking my hair (similarly to those hair shampoo commercials).

They do have a 7 day guarantee policy where they can fix it within 7 days but I'd rather let it grow out a bit and get a different hairdresser to make it look more like a haircut rather than me going blindly at it with scissors.

I went to my regular mother's group aftewards and was met with, "Oh, you chopped your hair!" which pretty much summed it up. There are different length strands sticking out from everywhere.

My brother described it very accurately with, "You look like a mother".

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh I had a similar experience only two weeks ago with Just Cuts!!! I only wanted a trim and didn't want to be charged $80 for the privilege >:( I only asked her to take 2cm off all round, and it looked okay at the back but the front bits are all uneven! Argh!