Thursday, April 16, 2009

For Parents Who Worry

If you are a parent, that is probably you.

As a new parent of a baby, I got carried away with seeing how she measures up to all the developmental milestones. Every tiny change that she went through was magnified to humongous proportions - "Did you see that?! She noticed a toy!!! She's never done that before! Isn't that amazing?! She's so smart!"

So when I noticed that many babies her age were rolling over, I started to get worried. I saw in some random poll asking parents when their babies first rolled over, the majority said four months. When she turned four, I was thinking "Why is my baby behind?!" even though of course she wasn't. I guess I saw anything above average as being behind.

Then I got carried away and read about babies who never rolled over and went straight to sitting which made me think, "Maybe Caitlyn is just too smart for rolling over. She's way above that silly nonsense".

I also read about parents worried that their eight month old still couldn't sit and a one year old who couldn't walk. Skimming through many parents' stories, I stumbled on one lady's comment, "My son couldn't sit until he was 9 months and couldn't walk until he was 18 months. He's 25 now and sits and walks just fine".

Now I have the whole baby development in perspective.

And to my surprise two days ago, Caitlyn rolled over. She has been repeating this manoeuvre ever since.

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