Saturday, October 17, 2009

Facebook Frustrations

Hello girls,

I am feeling quite annoyed at facebook at the moment. Through some googling, I have found I am not the only one having problems with it...friends appear and disappear, sometimes my status updates won't post, I can't read messages in my inbox...and then I can. It's so temperamental. So. Annoying.

Or maybe I'm too addicted to facebook. But good news if you have an iPhone, I've found sometimes the facebook app works when the real facebook doesn't lol.

Nevertheless I hope they get it fixed sometime soon, otherwise it's Twitter for me!


Zoe said...

Just when I stop checking this blog, someone posts. I see you've posted this quite a while ago so I hope you are no longer frustrated with facebook. (I couldn't help but notice your little iPhone ad.)

AnaVar said...

Hi! I was just looking for some facebook comments and found your post! Well... you are not the only one who is facehooked and frustrated when it doesn't work. But I think they'll sooner or later made some updates and upgrades, so don't worry! Stay hooked! ;)