Monday, July 27, 2009


Hi girls. Believe it or not I'm alive! Sorry for the long absence, but I'm afraid I haven't done much of note lately. On the weekend I happened to watch The Notebook for the first time. It was shite, but I cried anyway. Is it true the main actor is now a furniture removalist? (because I'm not surprised)

I will try to regale you with tales of excitement soon :)


The First March Girl said...

I didn't really like that movie much either! Can't remember if I cried though.

Do you mean Ryan Gosling?? He's still an actor LOL.

BTW Amanda you should sign up for the email alerts for when ppl write entries/comments, I find them quite handy :)

Zoe said...

I was going to ask whether you were still alive.

Oh, that movie! I don't think I cried but oh, so predictable.

Amanda said...

Is he still an actor? I think he was decent but the writing couldn't be saved. He looks like he'd be at home in a Wes Anderson film :)