Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saving Money in Times of Unemployment

Today I unitentionally discovered a great way of saving money. I went to do the Bondi-Coogee walk with a friend and since it's a 12km walk, I didn't want to carry much, so instead of taking my wallet, I just took $20, figuring that would be enough for food. 

What I didn't account for was that it would get chilly in the afternoon. After we'd done the walk and drank our boost juices, I was very cold. So I thought, not a problem, I'll just buy a jacket. Right? Wrong. I didn't have enough money to buy both the jacket and eat dinner, so being practical as ever, I chose to eat dinner. 

And there you go, money saved on a jacket because not only did I not bring enough cash, I also foolishly left my credit card and bank card at home in my wallet. I shouldn't say foolishly because it worked out rather well in the end - in the sense that I saved money. Not in the sense that I had to remain cold...

However what I've learned from this experience is to either take more money or take my bankcard (or hey, even a jacket...), but perhaps others will learn from my experience and see it as a good way of saving money! Just don't take a lot of money to begin with! And leave those cards at home!


Amanda said...

If you take your bankcard there's no stopping you from spending though!

The First March Girl said...

Yes I know, but that's just me, I don't like to be cold. If you prioritise saving money you could leave your bankcard and credit card at home!

Amanda said...

If only I could :(